Source code for cardinal.clustering

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances, pairwise_distances_argmin_min
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from .base import BaseQuerySampler
from .version import check_modules
from .kmeans import IncrementalMiniBatchKMeans
from .uncertainty import MarginSampler

[docs]class KCentroidSampler(BaseQuerySampler): """ KCentroid based query sampler. In order to increase diversity, it is possible to use a centroid based clustering to select samples. Args: clustering: A clustering algorithm matching the sklearn interface batch_size: Number of samples to draw when predicting. Attributes: clustering_ : The fitted clustering estimator. """ def __init__(self, clustering, batch_size): super().__init__(batch_size) self.clustering_ = clustering
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None) -> 'KCentroidSampler': """Does nothing, this method is unsupervised. Args: X: Labeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). y: Labels of shape (n_samples). Returns: The object itself """ return self
[docs] def select_samples(self, X: np.array, sample_weight: np.array = None) -> np.array: """Clusters the samples and select the ones closest to centroids. Args: X: Pool of unlabeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). sample_weight: Weight of the samples of shape (n_samples), optional. Returns: Indices of the selected samples of shape (batch_size). """ if self._not_enough_samples(X): return np.arange(X.shape[0]) kwargs = dict(sample_weight=sample_weight) if (sample_weight is not None) else dict() model =, **kwargs) distances = model.transform(X) # Sometimes, one sample can be the closest to two centroids. In that # case, we want to take the second closest one, etc. # linear_sum_assignemnt solves this problem. return linear_sum_assignment(distances)[0]
[docs]class KMeansSampler(KCentroidSampler): """Select samples as closest sample to KMeans centroids. Args: batch_size: Number of samples to draw when predicting. """ def __init__(self, batch_size, **kmeans_args): check_modules('sklearn', 'clustering.KmeansSampler') from sklearn.cluster import KMeans if 'n_clusters' in kmeans_args: raise ValueError( 'You have specified n_clusters={} when creating KMeansSampler.' ' This is not supported since n_clusters is overridden using ' 'batch_size.'.format(kmeans_args['n_clusters'])) kmeans_args['n_clusters'] = batch_size super().__init__(KMeans(**kmeans_args), batch_size)
[docs]class GMMLikelihoodSampler(BaseQuerySampler): """ GM (Gaussian Mixture Models) based query sampler. In order to increase diversity, it is possible to use maximum likelihood to select samples. Args: clustering: A clustering algorithm matching the sklearn interface batch_size: Number of samples to draw when predicting. Attributes: clustering_ : The fitted clustering estimator. """ def __init__(self, clustering, batch_size): super().__init__(batch_size) self.clustering_ = clustering
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None) -> 'GMMLikelihoodSampler': """Does nothing, this method is unsupervised. Args: X: Labeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). y: Labels of shape (n_samples). Returns: The object itself """ return self
[docs] def select_samples(self, X: np.array) -> np.array: """Clusters the samples and select the ones with highest likelihood. Args: X: Pool of unlabeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). sample_weight: Weight of the samples of shape (n_samples), optional. Returns: Indices of the selected samples of shape (batch_size). """ if self._not_enough_samples(X): return np.arange(X.shape[0]) gmm_model = centers= np.empty(shape=(gmm_model.n_components,), dtype=int) for i in range(gmm_model.n_components): try: density = multivariate_normal.logpdf(X, cov=gmm_model.covariances_[i], mean=gmm_model.means_[i], allow_singular=True) except linalg.LinAlgError: cov = gmm_model.covariances_[i] approximated_cov = np.linalg.pinv(cov) density = multivariate_normal.logpdf(X, cov=approximated_cov, mean=gmm_model.means_[i], allow_singular=True) centers[i] = np.argmax(density) return centers
[docs]class GMMSampler(GMMLikelihoodSampler): """Select samples as highest likelihood to GMM clusters. Args: batch_size: Number of samples to draw when predicting. """ def __init__(self, batch_size, **gmm_args): check_modules('sklearn', 'clustering.GMMSampler') from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture if 'n_clusters' in gmm_args: raise ValueError( 'You have specified n_clusters={} when creating GMMSampler.' ' This is not supported since n_clusters is overridden using ' 'batch_size.'.format(gmm_args['n_clusters'])) gmm_args['n_components'] = batch_size super().__init__(GaussianMixture(**gmm_args), batch_size)
[docs]class TwoStepGMMSampler: """GMM sampler using a margin uncertainty sampler as preselector """ def __init__(self, beta: int, classifier, batch_size: int, assume_fitted: bool = False, verbose: int = 0, **gmm_args): self.sampler_list = [ MarginSampler(classifier, beta * batch_size, strategy='top', assume_fitted=assume_fitted, verbose=verbose), GMMSampler(batch_size, **gmm_args) ]
[docs] def fit(self, X: np.array, y: np.array = None) -> 'TwoStepGMMSampler': """Fits the first query sampler Args: X: Labeled samples of shape [n_samples, n_features]. y: Labels of shape [n_samples]. Returns: The object itself """ for sampler in self.sampler_list:, y) return self
[docs] def select_samples(self, X: np.array) -> np.array: """Selects the using uncertainty preselection and KMeans sampler. Args: X: Pool of unlabeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). sample_weight: Weight of the samples of shape (n_samples), optional. Returns: Indices of the selected samples of shape (batch_size). """ selected = self.sampler_list[0].select_samples(X) kwargs = dict() new_selected = self.sampler_list[1].select_samples( X[selected], **kwargs) selected = selected[new_selected] return selected
[docs]class MiniBatchKMeansSampler(KCentroidSampler): """Select samples as closest sample to MiniBatchKMeans centroids. Args: batch_size: Number of samples to draw when predicting. """ def __init__(self, batch_size, **kmeans_args): check_modules('sklearn', 'clustering.MiniBatchKmeansSampler') from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans if 'n_clusters' in kmeans_args: raise ValueError( 'You have specified n_clusters={} when creating ' 'MiniBatchKMeansSampler. This is not supported since' 'n_clusters is overridden using ' 'batch_size.'.format(kmeans_args['n_clusters'])) kmeans_args['n_clusters'] = batch_size super().__init__(MiniBatchKMeans(**kmeans_args), batch_size)
[docs]class IncrementalMiniBatchKMeansSampler(KCentroidSampler): """Select samples as closest sample to MiniBatchKMeans centroids. Args: batch_size: Number of samples to draw when predicting. """ def __init__(self, batch_size, **kmeans_args): if 'n_clusters' in kmeans_args: raise ValueError( 'You have specified n_clusters={} when creating ' 'MiniBatchKMeansSampler. This is not supported since' 'n_clusters is overridden using ' 'batch_size.'.format(kmeans_args['n_clusters'])) kmeans_args['n_clusters'] = batch_size super().__init__(IncrementalMiniBatchKMeans(**kmeans_args), batch_size) self.fixed_cluster_centers = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None) -> 'KCentroidSampler': """Does nothing, this method is unsupervised. Args: X: Labeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). y: Labels of shape (n_samples). Returns: The object itself """ self.fixed_cluster_centers = X return self
[docs] def select_samples(self, X: np.array, sample_weight: np.array = None, recenter_every=None) -> np.array: """Clusters the samples and select the ones closest to centroids. Args: X: Pool of unlabeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). sample_weight: Weight of the samples of shape (n_samples), optional. Returns: Indices of the selected samples of shape (batch_size). """ if self._not_enough_samples(X): return np.arange(X.shape[0]) kwargs = dict() n_fixed_clusters = 0 if sample_weight is not None: kwargs['sample_weight'] = sample_weight if self.fixed_cluster_centers is not None: kwargs['fixed_cluster_centers'] = self.fixed_cluster_centers n_fixed_clusters = self.fixed_cluster_centers.shape[0] if recenter_every is not None: kwargs['recenter_every'] = recenter_every self.clustering_.n_clusters = self.batch_size + n_fixed_clusters model =, **kwargs) distances = model.transform(X)[:, n_fixed_clusters:] # Sometimes, one sample can be the closest to two centroids. In that # case, we want to take the second closest one, etc. # linear_sum_assignemnt solves this problem. return linear_sum_assignment(distances)[0]
[docs]class TwoStepKCentroidSampler(BaseQuerySampler): """KMeans sampler using a margin uncertainty sampler as preselector """ def __init__(self, kcentroid_sampler, beta: int, classifier, batch_size: int, assume_fitted: bool = False, verbose: int = 0, **kmeans_args): super().__init__(batch_size) self.sampler_list = [ MarginSampler(classifier, beta * batch_size, strategy='top', assume_fitted=assume_fitted, verbose=verbose), kcentroid_sampler(batch_size, **kmeans_args) ]
[docs] def fit(self, X: np.array, y: np.array = None) -> 'TwoStepKMeansSampler': """Fits the first query sampler Args: X: Labeled samples of shape [n_samples, n_features]. y: Labels of shape [n_samples]. Returns: The object itself """ self.sampler_list[0].fit(X, y) return self
[docs] def select_samples(self, X: np.array, sample_weight: np.array = None) -> np.array: """Selects the using uncertainty preselection and KMeans sampler. Args: X: Pool of unlabeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). sample_weight: Weight of the samples of shape (n_samples), optional. Returns: Indices of the selected samples of shape (batch_size). """ selected = self.sampler_list[0].select_samples(X) kwargs = dict() if sample_weight is not None: kwargs['sample_weight'] = sample_weight[selected] new_selected = self.sampler_list[1].select_samples( X[selected], **kwargs) selected = selected[new_selected] return selected
[docs]class TwoStepIWKMeansSampler(TwoStepKCentroidSampler): def __init__(self, beta: int, classifier, batch_size: int, assume_fitted: bool = False, verbose: int = 0, **kmeans_args): self.sampler_list = [ MarginSampler(classifier, beta * batch_size, strategy='top', assume_fitted=assume_fitted, verbose=verbose), IncrementalMiniBatchKMeansSampler(batch_size, **kmeans_args) ]
[docs]class KCenterGreedy(BaseQuerySampler): """ KCenter greedy query sampler. Select the furthest sample from already select ones, add it to the selected, and repeat until batch_size is reached. Args: batch_size: Number of samples to draw when predicting. """ def __init__(self, embedding_fun, batch_size, metric='euclidean'): super().__init__(batch_size) self._embedding_fun = embedding_fun self.metric = metric
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None) -> 'KCenterGreedy': """Does nothing, this method is unsupervised. Args: X: Labeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). y: Labels of shape (n_samples). Returns: The object itself """ self._X_centers = self._embedding_fun(X) return self
[docs] def select_samples(self, X: np.array, sample_weight: np.array = None) -> np.array: """Clusters the samples and select the ones closest to centroids. Args: X: Pool of unlabeled samples of shape (n_samples, n_features). sample_weight: Weight of the samples of shape (n_samples), optional. Returns: Indices of the selected samples of shape (batch_size). """ if self._not_enough_samples(X): return np.arange(X.shape[0]) selected = [] X = self._embedding_fun(X) _, distances = pairwise_distances_argmin_min(X, self._X_centers, metric=self.metric) for _ in range(self.batch_size): # Select the point furthest from already selected furthest_point = np.argmax(distances) if furthest_point in selected: raise ValueError('Selection of duplicate index:', furthest_point) selected.append(furthest_point) distances[furthest_point] = 0. # Consider this point added to label by updating distances distances_to_new = pairwise_distances(X, X[selected[-1], None], metric=self.metric)[:, 0] distances = np.min([distances, distances_to_new], axis=0) if np.allclose(distances, 0.): # Distances have collapsed, we select randomly the rest of the samples p = np.ones(X.shape[0]) selected = np.asarray(selected) p[selected] = 0. p /= p.sum() selected = np.concatenate([selected, np.random.choice(X.shape[0], size=self.batch_size - selected.shape[0], replace=False, p=p)]) break # Return numpy array, not a list. return np.asarray(selected)