Source code for mealy.error_analyzer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import collections
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.base import is_regressor
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from .error_analysis_utils import check_enough_data, get_epsilon, format_float
from .constants import ErrorAnalyzerConstants
from .metrics import error_decision_tree_report, fidelity_balanced_accuracy_score
from .preprocessing import PipelinePreprocessor, DummyPipelinePreprocessor
from .error_tree import ErrorTree
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='mealy | %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

[docs]class ErrorAnalyzer(BaseEstimator): """ ErrorAnalyzer analyzes the errors of a prediction model on a test set. It uses model predictions and ground truth target to compute the model errors on the test set. It then trains a Decision Tree, called a Error Analyzer Tree, on the same test set by using the model error as target. The nodes of the decision tree are different segments of errors to be studied individually. Args: primary_model (sklearn.base.BaseEstimator or sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline): a sklearn model to analyze. Either an estimator or a Pipeline containing a ColumnTransformer with the preprocessing steps and an estimator as last step. feature_names (list of str): list of feature names. Defaults to None. param_grid (dict): sklearn.tree.DecisionTree hyper-parameters values for grid search. random_state (int): random seed. Attributes: _error_tree (DecisionTreeClassifier): the estimator used to train the Error Analyzer Tree """ def __init__(self, primary_model, feature_names=None, param_grid=None, probability_threshold=0.5, random_state=65537): self.param_grid = param_grid self.probability_threshold = probability_threshold self.random_state = random_state if isinstance(primary_model, Pipeline): if len(primary_model.steps) != 2: logger.warning("Pipeline should have two steps: the preprocessing of the features, and the primary model to analyze.") estimator = primary_model.steps[-1][1] if not isinstance(estimator, BaseEstimator): raise TypeError("The last step of the pipeline has to be a BaseEstimator.") self._primary_model = estimator ct_preprocessor = primary_model.steps[0][1] if not isinstance(ct_preprocessor, ColumnTransformer): raise TypeError("The input preprocessor has to be a ColumnTransformer.") self.pipeline_preprocessor = PipelinePreprocessor(ct_preprocessor, feature_names) elif isinstance(primary_model, BaseEstimator): self._primary_model = primary_model self.pipeline_preprocessor = DummyPipelinePreprocessor(feature_names) else: raise TypeError('ErrorAnalyzer needs as input either a scikit BaseEstimator or a scikit Pipeline.') self._error_tree = None self._error_train_x = None self._error_train_y = None self.epsilon = None @property def param_grid(self): return self._param_grid @param_grid.setter def param_grid(self, value): self._param_grid = value @property def random_state(self): return self._random_state @random_state.setter def random_state(self, value): self._random_state = value @property def error_tree(self): if self._error_tree is None: raise NotFittedError("The error tree is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' method with appropriate arguments before using this estimator.") return self._error_tree @error_tree.setter def error_tree(self, tree): if self.pipeline_preprocessor.get_preprocessed_feature_names() is None: self.pipeline_preprocessor.preprocessed_feature_names = ["feature#%s" % feature_index for feature_index in range(tree.estimator_.n_features_)] self._error_tree = tree @property def preprocessed_feature_names(self): return self.pipeline_preprocessor.get_preprocessed_feature_names()
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fit the Error Analyzer Tree. Trains the Error Analyzer Tree, a Decision Tree to discriminate between samples that are correctly predicted or wrongly predicted (errors) by a primary model. Args: X (numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame): feature data from a test set to evaluate the primary predictor and train a Error Analyzer Tree. y (numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame): target data from a test set to evaluate the primary predictor and train a Error Analyzer Tree. """"Preparing the Error Analyzer Tree...") np.random.seed(self._random_state) preprocessed_X = self.pipeline_preprocessor.transform(X) check_enough_data(preprocessed_X, min_len=ErrorAnalyzerConstants.MIN_NUM_ROWS) self._error_train_y, error_rate = self._compute_primary_model_error(preprocessed_X, y) self._error_train_x = preprocessed_X"Fitting the Error Analyzer Tree...") # entropy/mutual information is used to split nodes in Microsoft Pandora system dt_clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion=ErrorAnalyzerConstants.CRITERION, random_state=self._random_state) param_grid = self.param_grid if param_grid is None: min_samples_leaf_max = min(error_rate, ErrorAnalyzerConstants.MIN_SAMPLES_LEAF_LOWEST_UPPER_BOUND) param_grid = { 'max_depth': ErrorAnalyzerConstants.MAX_DEPTH, 'min_samples_leaf': np.linspace(min_samples_leaf_max/5, min_samples_leaf_max, 5) }'Grid search the Error Tree with the following grid: {}'.format(param_grid)) gs_clf = GridSearchCV(dt_clf, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5, scoring=make_scorer(fidelity_balanced_accuracy_score)), self._error_train_y) self.error_tree = ErrorTree(error_decision_tree=gs_clf.best_estimator_)'Chosen parameters: {}'.format(gs_clf.best_params_))
[docs] def get_error_leaf_summary(self, leaf_selector=None, add_path_to_leaves=False, output_format='dict', rank_by='total_error_fraction'): """ Return summary information regarding leaves. Args: leaf_selector (None, int or array-like): The leaves whose information will be returned * int: Only return information of the leaf with the corresponding id * array-like: Only return information of the leaves corresponding to these ids * None (default): Return information of all the leaves add_path_to_leaves (bool): Whether to add information of the path across the tree till the selected node. Defaults to False. output_format (string): Return format used for the report. Valid values are 'dict' or 'str'. Defaults to 'dict'. rank_by (str): Ranking criterion for the leaves. Valid values are: * 'total_error_fraction' (default): rank by the fraction of total error in the node * 'purity': rank by the purity (ratio of wrongly predicted samples over the total number of node samples) * 'class_difference': rank by the difference of number of wrongly and correctly predicted samples in a node. Return: dict or str: list of reports (as dictionary or string) with different information on each selected leaf. """ leaf_nodes = self._get_ranked_leaf_ids(leaf_selector=leaf_selector, rank_by=rank_by) leaves_summary = [] for leaf_id in leaf_nodes: n_errors = int(self.error_tree.estimator_.tree_.value[leaf_id, 0, self.error_tree.error_class_idx]) n_samples = self.error_tree.estimator_.tree_.n_node_samples[leaf_id] local_error = n_errors / n_samples total_error_fraction = n_errors / self.error_tree.n_total_errors n_corrects = n_samples - n_errors if output_format == 'dict': leaf_dict = { "id": leaf_id, "n_corrects": n_corrects, "n_errors": n_errors, "local_error": local_error, "total_error_fraction": total_error_fraction } if add_path_to_leaves: leaf_dict["path_to_leaf"] = self._get_path_to_node(leaf_id) leaves_summary.append(leaf_dict) elif output_format == 'str': leaf_summary = 'LEAF %d:\n' % leaf_id leaf_summary += ' Correct predictions: %d | Wrong predictions: %d | Local error (purity): %.2f | Fraction of total error: %.2f\n' % (n_corrects, n_errors, local_error, total_error_fraction) if add_path_to_leaves: leaf_summary += ' Path to leaf:\n' for (step_idx, step) in enumerate(self._get_path_to_node(leaf_id)): leaf_summary += ' ' + ' ' * step_idx + step + '\n' leaves_summary.append(leaf_summary) else: raise ValueError("Output format should either be 'dict' or 'str'") return leaves_summary
[docs] def evaluate(self, X, y, output_format='str'): """ Evaluate performance of ErrorAnalyzer on the given test data and labels. Return ErrorAnalyzer summary metrics regarding the Error Tree. Args: X (numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame): feature data from a test set to evaluate the primary predictor and train a Error Analyzer Tree. y (numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame): target data from a test set to evaluate the primary predictor and train a Error Analyzer Tree. output_format (string): Return format used for the report. Valid values are 'dict' or 'str'. Defaults to 'str'. Return: dict or str: dictionary or string report storing different metrics regarding the Error Decision Tree. """ prep_x, prep_y = self.pipeline_preprocessor.transform(X), np.array(y) y_pred = self.error_tree.estimator_.predict(prep_x) y_true, _ = self._compute_primary_model_error(prep_x, prep_y) return error_decision_tree_report(y_true, y_pred, output_format)
def _compute_primary_model_error(self, X, y): """ Computes the errors of the primary model predictions and samples Args: X: array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input samples. y: array-like of shape (n_samples,) True target values for `X`. Returns: sampled_X: ndarray A sample of `X`. error_y: array of string of shape (n_sampled_X, ) Boolean value of whether or not the primary model predicted correctly or incorrectly the samples in sampled_X. """ if is_regressor(self._primary_model) or len(np.unique(y)) > 2: # regression or multiclass classification models: no proba threshold y_pred = self._primary_model.predict(X) else: # binary -> need to check the proba threshold prediction_index = (self._primary_model.predict_proba(X)[:, 1] > self.probability_threshold).astype(int) # map the prediction indexes to the original target values y_pred = np.array([self._primary_model.classes_[i] for i in prediction_index]) error_y, error_rate = self._evaluate_primary_model_predictions(y_true=y, y_pred=y_pred) return error_y, error_rate def _evaluate_primary_model_predictions(self, y_true, y_pred): """ Compute errors of the primary model on the test set Args: y_true: 1D array True target values. y_pred: 1D array Predictions of the primary model. Return: error_y: array of string of len(y_true) Boolean value of whether or not the primary model got the prediction right. error_rate: float Accuracy of the primary model """ error_y = np.full_like(y_true, ErrorAnalyzerConstants.CORRECT_PREDICTION, dtype="O") if is_regressor(self._primary_model): difference = np.abs(y_true - y_pred) if self.epsilon is None: # only compute epsilon when fitting the model (not while evaluating) self.epsilon = get_epsilon(difference) error_mask = difference > self.epsilon else: error_mask = y_true != y_pred n_wrong_preds = np.count_nonzero(error_mask) error_y[error_mask] = ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION if n_wrong_preds == 0 or n_wrong_preds == len(error_y): logger.warning('All predictions are {}. To build a proper ErrorAnalyzer decision tree we need both correct and incorrect predictions'.format(error_y[0])) error_rate = n_wrong_preds / len(error_y)'The primary model has an error rate of {}'.format(format_float(error_rate, 3))) return error_y, error_rate def _get_ranked_leaf_ids(self, leaf_selector=None, rank_by='total_error_fraction'): """ Select error nodes and rank them by importance. Args: leaf_selector (None, int or array-like): the leaves whose information will be returned * int: Only return information of the leaf with the corresponding id * array-like: Only return information of the leaves corresponding to these ids * None (default): Return information of all the leaves rank_by (str): ranking criterion for the leaves. Valid values are: * 'total_error_fraction': rank by the fraction of total error in the node * 'purity': rank by the purity (ratio of wrongly predicted samples over the total number of node samples) * 'class_difference': rank by the difference of number of wrongly and correctly predicted samples in a node. Return: list or numpy.ndarray: list of selected leaves indices. """ apply_leaf_selector = self._get_leaf_selector(self.error_tree.leaf_ids, leaf_selector) selected_leaves = apply_leaf_selector(self.error_tree.leaf_ids) if selected_leaves.size == 0: return selected_leaves if rank_by == 'total_error_fraction': sorted_ids = np.argsort(-apply_leaf_selector(self.error_tree.total_error_fraction)) elif rank_by == 'purity': sorted_ids = np.lexsort((apply_leaf_selector(self.error_tree.difference), apply_leaf_selector(self.error_tree.quantized_impurity))) elif rank_by == 'class_difference': sorted_ids = np.lexsort((apply_leaf_selector(self.error_tree.impurity), apply_leaf_selector(self.error_tree.difference))) else: raise ValueError( "Input argument for rank_by is invalid. Should be 'total_error_fraction', 'purity' or 'class_difference'") return selected_leaves.take(sorted_ids) @staticmethod def _get_leaf_selector(leaf_ids, leaf_selector=None): """ Return a function that select rows of provided arrays. Arrays must be of shape (1, number of leaves) Args: leaf_selector: None, int or array-like How to select the rows of the array * int: Only keep the row corresponding to this leaf id * array-like: Only keep the rows corresponding to these leaf ids * None (default): Keep the whole array of leaf ids Return: A function with one argument array as a selector of leaf ids Args: array: numpy array of shape (1, number of leaves) An array of which we only want to keep some rows """ if leaf_selector is None: return lambda array: array leaf_selector_as_array = np.array(leaf_selector) leaf_selector = np.in1d(leaf_ids, leaf_selector_as_array) nr_kept_leaves = np.count_nonzero(leaf_selector) if nr_kept_leaves == 0:"None of the ids provided correspond to a leaf id.") elif nr_kept_leaves < leaf_selector_as_array.size:"Some of the ids provided do not belong to leaves. Only leaf ids are kept.") return lambda array: array[leaf_selector] def _get_path_to_node(self, node_id): """ Return path to node as a list of split steps from the nodes of the sklearn Tree object """ feature_names = self.pipeline_preprocessor.get_original_feature_names() children_left = list(self.error_tree.estimator_.tree_.children_left) children_right = list(self.error_tree.estimator_.tree_.children_right) threshold = self._inverse_transform_thresholds() feature = self._inverse_transform_features() cur_node_id = node_id path_to_node = collections.deque() while cur_node_id > 0: node_is_left_child = cur_node_id in children_left if node_is_left_child: parent_id = children_left.index(cur_node_id) else: parent_id = children_right.index(cur_node_id) feat = feature[parent_id] thresh = threshold[parent_id] is_categorical = self.pipeline_preprocessor.is_categorical(feat) thresh = str(thresh) if is_categorical else format_float(thresh, 2) decision_rule = '' if node_is_left_child: decision_rule += ' <= ' if not is_categorical else ' is not ' else: decision_rule += " > " if not is_categorical else ' is ' decision_rule = str(feature_names[feat]) + decision_rule + thresh path_to_node.appendleft(decision_rule) cur_node_id = parent_id return path_to_node def _inverse_transform_features(self): """ Undo preprocessing of feature values. If the predictor comes with a Pipeline preprocessor, map the features indices of the Error Analysis Tree back to their indices in the original unpreprocessed space of features. Otherwise simply return the feature indices of the decision tree. The feature indices of a decision tree indicate what features are used to split the training set at each node. See Return: list or numpy.ndarray: indices of features of the Error Analyzer Tree, possibly mapped back to the original unprocessed feature space. """ return [self.pipeline_preprocessor.inverse_transform_feature_id(feat_idx) if feat_idx > 0 else feat_idx for feat_idx in self.error_tree.estimator_.tree_.feature] def _inverse_transform_thresholds(self): """ Undo preprocessing of feature threshold values. If the predictor comes with a Pipeline preprocessor, undo the preprocessing on the thresholds of the Error Analyzer Tree for an easier plot interpretation. Otherwise simply return the thresholds of the decision tree. The thresholds of a decision tree are the feature values used to split the training set at each node. See Return: numpy.ndarray: thresholds of the Error Tree, possibly with preprocessing undone. """ return self.pipeline_preprocessor.inverse_thresholds(self.error_tree.estimator_.tree_)