Source code for mealy.error_visualizer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from graphviz import Source
from collections import deque
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .constants import ErrorAnalyzerConstants
from .error_analyzer import ErrorAnalyzer
from .error_analysis_utils import format_float

plt.rc('font', family="sans-serif")
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE, labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE)
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE)
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE)
plt.rc("hatch", color="white", linewidth=4)

class _BaseErrorVisualizer(object):
    def __init__(self, error_analyzer):
        if not isinstance(error_analyzer, ErrorAnalyzer):
            raise TypeError('You need to input an ErrorAnalyzer object.')

        self._error_analyzer = error_analyzer

        self._get_ranked_leaf_ids = lambda leaf_selector, rank_by: \
            error_analyzer._get_ranked_leaf_ids(leaf_selector, rank_by)

    def _plot_histograms(hist_data, label, **params):
        bottom = None
        for class_value in [ErrorAnalyzerConstants.CORRECT_PREDICTION, ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION]:
            bar_heights = hist_data.get(class_value)
            if bar_heights is not None:
                        label="{} ({})".format(class_value, label),
                bottom = bar_heights

    def _add_new_plot(figsize, bins, x_ticks, feature_name, suptitle):
        plt.xticks(x_ticks, rotation="90")
        plt.ylabel('Proportion of samples')
        plt.title('Distribution of {}'.format(feature_name))

    def _plot_feature_distribution(x_ticks, feature_is_numerical, leaf_data, root_data=None):
        width, x = 1.0, x_ticks
        align = "edge"
        if root_data is not None:
            width /= 2
            if feature_is_numerical:
                x = x_ticks[1:]
            _BaseErrorVisualizer._plot_histograms(root_data, label="global data", x=x, hatch="///",
                                                  width=-width, align=align)
        if leaf_data is not None:
            if feature_is_numerical:
                x = x_ticks[:-1]
            elif root_data is None:
                align = "center"
            _BaseErrorVisualizer._plot_histograms(leaf_data, label="leaf data", x=x,
                                                  align=align, width=width)

[docs]class ErrorVisualizer(_BaseErrorVisualizer): """ ErrorVisualizer provides visual utilities to analyze the Error Tree in ErrorAnalyzer Args: error_analyzer (ErrorAnalyzer): fitted ErrorAnalyzer representing the performance of a primary model. """ def __init__(self, error_analyzer): super(ErrorVisualizer, self).__init__(error_analyzer) self._error_tree = self._error_analyzer.error_tree self._error_clf = self._error_tree.estimator_ self._train_leaf_ids = self._error_clf.apply(self._error_analyzer._error_train_x) self._thresholds = None self._features = None self._original_feature_names = self._error_analyzer.pipeline_preprocessor.get_original_feature_names() self._numerical_feature_names = [f for f in self._original_feature_names if not self._error_analyzer.pipeline_preprocessor.is_categorical(name=f)] @property def thresholds_(self): if self._thresholds is None: self._thresholds = self._error_analyzer._inverse_transform_thresholds() return self._thresholds @property def features_(self): if self._features is None: self._features = self._error_analyzer._inverse_transform_features() return self._features
[docs] def plot_error_tree(self, size=(50, 50)): """ Plot the graph of the decision tree. Args: size (tuple): size of the output plot. Return: graphviz.Source: graph of the Error Analyzer Tree. """ dot_str = 'digraph Tree {{\n size="{0},{1}!";\n'.format(size[0], size[1]) dot_str += 'node [shape=box, style="filled, rounded", color="black", fontname=helvetica] ;\n' dot_str += 'edge [fontname=helvetica] ;\ngraph [ranksep=equally, splines=polyline] ;\n' color = ErrorAnalyzerConstants.ERROR_TREE_COLORS[ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION] leaves, left_child_to_parent, right_child_to_parent = set(), {}, {} ids = deque() ids.append(0) while ids: node_id = ids.popleft() dot_str += '{0} [label="node #{0}\n'.format(node_id) parent_id = left_child_to_parent.get(node_id, right_child_to_parent.get(node_id)) if parent_id is not None: rule = self.node_decision_rule(parent_id, node_id in left_child_to_parent) dot_str += "{}\n".format((rule[:32] + "...") if len(rule) > 35 else rule) n_wrong_preds = self._error_clf.tree_.value[node_id, 0, self._error_tree.error_class_idx] total_error_fraction = n_wrong_preds / self._error_tree.n_total_errors samples = self._error_clf.tree_.n_node_samples[node_id] local_error = n_wrong_preds / samples dot_str += 'samples = {}%\n'.format(format_float(100 * samples / self._error_clf.tree_.n_node_samples[0], 3)) dot_str += 'local error = {}%\n'.format(format_float(100 * local_error, 3)) dot_str += 'fraction of total error = {}%\n'.format(format_float(100 * total_error_fraction, 3)) alpha = "{:02x}".format(int(local_error*255)) dot_str += '", fillcolor="{}", tooltip="{}"] ;\n'.format(color+alpha, "root" if parent_id is None else rule) if parent_id is not None: edge_width = max(1, ErrorAnalyzerConstants.GRAPH_MAX_EDGE_WIDTH * total_error_fraction) dot_str += '{} -> {} [penwidth={}];\n'.format(parent_id, node_id, edge_width) left_child_id, right_child_id = self._error_clf.tree_.children_left[node_id], self._error_clf.tree_.children_right[node_id] if left_child_id > 0: ids += [left_child_id, right_child_id] left_child_to_parent[left_child_id] = node_id right_child_to_parent[right_child_id] = node_id else: leaves.add(node_id) dot_str += '{rank=same ; '+ '; '.join(map(str, leaves)) + '} ;\n' dot_str += "}" return Source(dot_str)
def node_decision_rule(self, parent_id, left_child): feature = self._original_feature_names[self.features_[parent_id]] value = self.thresholds_[parent_id] numerical_split = feature in self._numerical_feature_names if numerical_split: if left_child: return '{} <= {}'.format(feature, format_float(value, 2)) return '{} < {}'.format(format_float(value, 2), feature) return feature + ' is ' + ( '' if left_child else 'not ') + str(value)
[docs] def plot_feature_distributions_on_leaves(self, leaf_selector=None, top_k_features=ErrorAnalyzerConstants.TOP_K_FEATURES, show_global=True, show_class=True, rank_leaves_by="total_error_fraction", nr_bins=10, figsize=(15, 10)): """ Return feature distribution plots at the selected leaves. The leaves for which the distributions are plotted are determined by the leaf_selector argument. By default, no specific leaves are selected, and so the distributions are plotted for all the leaves. The leaves are ranked following a criterion set via the argument rank_leaves_by. The features are sorted by feature importance in the Error Tree. The more important a feature is, the more correlated with the errors it is. The number of feature distributions to plot is set via top_k_features. Args: leaf_selector (None, int or array-like): the leaves whose information will be returned * int: Only plot the feature distributions for the leaf matching the id * array-like of int: Only plot the feature distributions for the leaves matching the ids * None (default): Plot the feature distributions for all the leaves top_k_features (int): Number of features to plot per node. * If a positive integer k is given, the distributions of the first k features (first in the sense of their importance) are plotted * If a negative integer k is given, the distributions of all but the k last features (last in the sense of their importance) are plotted * If k is 0, all the feature distributions are plotted show_global (bool): Whether to plot the feature distributions for the whole data (global baseline) along with the ones for the leaf samples. show_class (bool): Whether to show the proportion of Wrongly and Correctly predicted samples for each bin. rank_leaves_by (str): Ranking criterion for the leaves. Valid values are: * 'total_error_fraction': rank by the fraction of total error in the node * 'purity': rank by the purity (ratio of wrongly predicted samples over the total number of node samples) * 'class_difference': rank by the difference of number of wrongly and correctly predicted samples in a node. nr_bins (int): Number of bins in the feature distribution plots. Defaults to 10. figsize (tuple of float): Tuple of size 2 for the size of the plots as (width, height) in inches. Defaults to (15, 10). """ ranked_feature_ids = self._error_analyzer.pipeline_preprocessor.get_top_ranked_feature_ids(self._error_clf.feature_importances_, top_k_features) x = self._error_analyzer.pipeline_preprocessor.inverse_transform(self._error_analyzer._error_train_x)[:, ranked_feature_ids] y = self._error_analyzer._error_train_y feature_names = self._original_feature_names min_values, max_values = x.min(axis=0), x.max(axis=0) total_error_fraction_sample_ids = y == ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION nr_wrong = self._error_clf.tree_.value[:, 0, self._error_tree.error_class_idx] leaf_nodes = self._get_ranked_leaf_ids(leaf_selector, rank_leaves_by) for leaf in leaf_nodes: leaf_sample_ids = self._train_leaf_ids == leaf nr_leaf_samples = self._error_clf.tree_.n_node_samples[leaf] proba_wrong_leaf = nr_wrong[leaf] / nr_leaf_samples suptitle = 'Leaf {} (Wrong prediction: {},'.format(leaf, format_float(proba_wrong_leaf, 3)) suptitle += ' Correct prediction: {})'.format(format_float(1 - proba_wrong_leaf, 3)) for i, feature_idx in enumerate(ranked_feature_ids): feature_name = feature_names[feature_idx] # TODO: use self._numerical_feature_names instead feature_is_numerical = not self._error_analyzer.pipeline_preprocessor.is_categorical(feature_idx) feature_column = x[:, i] if feature_is_numerical: bins = np.round(np.linspace(min_values[i], max_values[i], nr_bins + 1), 2) if show_class: histogram_func = lambda f_samples: np.histogram(f_samples, bins=bins, density=False)[0] else: histogram_func = lambda f_samples: np.histogram(f_samples, bins=bins, density=True)[0] else: bins = np.unique(feature_column)[:nr_bins] if show_class: histogram_func = lambda f_samples: np.bincount(np.searchsorted(bins, f_samples), minlength=len(bins))[:nr_bins] else: histogram_func = lambda f_samples: np.bincount(np.searchsorted(bins, f_samples), minlength=len(bins))[:nr_bins] / len(f_samples) if show_global: if show_class: hist_wrong = histogram_func(feature_column[total_error_fraction_sample_ids]) hist_correct = histogram_func(feature_column[~total_error_fraction_sample_ids]) n_samples = np.sum(hist_wrong + hist_correct) normalized_hist_wrong = hist_wrong / n_samples normalized_hist_correct = hist_correct / n_samples root_hist_data = { ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION: normalized_hist_wrong, ErrorAnalyzerConstants.CORRECT_PREDICTION: normalized_hist_correct } else: root_prediction = ErrorAnalyzerConstants.CORRECT_PREDICTION if nr_wrong[0] < self._error_tree.n_total_errors / 2 else ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION root_hist_data = {root_prediction: histogram_func(feature_column)} else: root_hist_data = None if show_class: hist_wrong = histogram_func(feature_column[leaf_sample_ids & total_error_fraction_sample_ids]) hist_correct = histogram_func(feature_column[leaf_sample_ids & ~total_error_fraction_sample_ids]) n_samples = np.sum(hist_wrong + hist_correct) normalized_hist_wrong = hist_wrong / n_samples normalized_hist_correct = hist_correct / n_samples leaf_hist_data = { ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION: normalized_hist_wrong, ErrorAnalyzerConstants.CORRECT_PREDICTION: normalized_hist_correct } else: leaf_prediction = ErrorAnalyzerConstants.CORRECT_PREDICTION if proba_wrong_leaf < .5 else ErrorAnalyzerConstants.WRONG_PREDICTION leaf_hist_data = {leaf_prediction: histogram_func(feature_column[leaf_sample_ids])} x_ticks = range(len(bins)) _BaseErrorVisualizer._add_new_plot(figsize, bins, x_ticks, feature_name, suptitle) _BaseErrorVisualizer._plot_feature_distribution(x_ticks, feature_is_numerical, leaf_hist_data, root_hist_data)